Days 2 and 3 Post Op–He’s Home!

Pick Up Day

What a sight it was to see Aiden walking into the room!!–or maybe hopping would be a better description.  He was so excited to see us when we went to take him home–and we were sure excited to see him up and moving with such confidence.  I took my 6’4″ nephew with me because I wasn’t going to be able to get Aiden in and out of the SUV by myself.  It was a good thing I did because when we got to the car, Aiden thought he would go ahead and jump in the back seat like normal.  It took a team effort to curb his enthusiasm for the ride home!

They had taken off the big bandage that been wrapped around the surgery site because he had been moving around so much it was looking more like a turtleneck than a surgical bandage.  He came home on a Fentanyl patch which comes off Monday, some Gabapentin for the nerve pain, and the anti-inflammatory Carprofen. He will take the oral meds every 12 hours for the next two weeks.  Stitches comes out the day after Christmas.

I had read that some dogs do not want to eat or will have bowel issues because of the drugs.  Neither has been the case with Aiden.  His appetite is really good and he’s taking care of business as usual.  For his first dinner at home I supplemented his usual dry food with a little canned food just in case he might not be interested in eating.  Didn’t have to worry–he’s enjoying his breakfast and dinner as much as he did before. He needs to be on a weight management diet but for now, while he is healing, I will keep him on his regular food.

His chest is quite bruised and swollen, but he doesn’t seemed to be bothered by it.  He is sleeping on the amputation side even though it makes it more difficult for him to get up.  He is peeing a lot, probably because of the fluids he was given and all the water he is drinking because of the meds.

I’m not a real fan of the long-term use of pain meds–human or dog– because of the side effects.  I don’t want Aiden to experience any pain, but I also don’t want him on pain meds for any longer than necessary.  The rehab vet that has been recommended also uses acupuncture to help with pain. has some good information about acupuncture for dogs which has convinced me that if Aiden needs help with his pain after the sutures come out, acupuncture will be the choice.  Combined with physical therapy to help strengthen his other legs and help him to lose weight, this alternative should help him feel like his old self a lot quicker than being drugged up on the pain meds.

Dealing with the Pack

With the three other dogs in the house, I knew I had to work out a plan to keep Aiden isolated from the rest of the pack.  I have a small study where I set up a bed and a water bowl for Aiden.  It’s off a back hallway that can be gated off from the living room.  After he got home, I put Aiden in the study and closed the door so he could have some quiet time alone.  Today I have kept the door open so he can go into the hallway but still be separated from the other dogs by the gate.  When I need to take him out I put the other three dogs in another room or in the garage.  So far this has worked out.

The vet tech at the surgical center suggested that I not let any of the other dogs around him for the next two weeks since they might try to usurp his dominant position in the pack.  This is probably really good advice to follow as long as Aiden is on the drugs because he is not fully himself.  Of course if you know your own dogs well enough you might not see this as a problem.  I know all of my dogs really well and I don’t think this would be an issue, but I prefer to err on the side of caution.  Of the three other dogs in the house, my Sydney is the quietest and calmest.  Today I let her stay out in the living when I let Aiden out.  Of course there was a lot of smelling of going on!  She followed him around for a little while then went about her business.    I may gradually let her spend more time with Aiden as he recovers.  Cooper and Riley are a little more rambunctious, so I think they will get to do their smelling through the gate for awhile.

We’ve made it through two days but we have twelve more recovery days to go.  With the progress he has made already, I have no doubt Aiden is going to make it look easy.  We will keep you posted.

3 thoughts on “Days 2 and 3 Post Op–He’s Home!”

  1. Hi,
    I am so excited to hear the great news about Aiden. My dog Odin will be coming home tomorrow so it’s nice to hear that Aiden seems happy. Are you saying that he jumped into the car? That is so awesome if he did. Thank you for writing this it is helping me knowing I get mine soon.

    1. Hi,
      Glad to hear Odin is coming home. The best surprise will be to see him walking as if he has already figured it all out. Yes, Aiden tried jumping in the car, got halfway in before my nephew bear hugged him to help him the rest of the way in. If it weren’t for the fact that Aiden is being forced to stay quiet, I think he would already be running around in the backyard and up and down the stairs. Dogs are amazing!!

  2. Wow he TOTALLY makes it look easy! I just had a chance to catch up and am so happy you’re all handling this so well. Aiden came home with the best of the best in pain meds, and he’s eating too? That is the best anyone can ask for. YEAH!

    Thanks for sharing the info about how you’re coping with your other dogs. I may put that into a separate blog post in our News Blog. You wouldn’t happen to have any photos you would like to share so we can do that, would you? I know you’ve got a lot on your plate right now so no rush.

    So happy you found the acupuncture information handy! I recently attended three lectures on natural, proven remedies that can often take the place of pharmaceuticals, and the evidence is there, acupuncture works! So pursue it if the idea of pain meds makes you leery. Cause if you’re happy, Aiden is happy.

    What a great update! Thanks for sharing.

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